Barion Pixel

+36 30 350 0400

Lunes - Domingo 09:00 - 20:00

Términos y condiciones

To participate or to reserve any appointments at any of the shooting or driving experience events organized by accepting below points are necessary.

1. General

By reservation, our guests accept our General Terms of Service automatically. In case of reservation on behalf of or name in somebody else (too), informing other parties (the reservation is made for) is the responsibility of the reserving person. For reservation, please send us data from our reservation system: number of participants, chosen package(s), date & time, reserving person’s phone number, email address. Bookings will become final only after confirmation confirmed by us in writing (email)!

2. Reservation

2.1 At reservation giving real personal data is a must.

2.2 Reservations can only be modified or canceled freely in writing at the latest 48 hrs before the beginning of valid, confirmed in the written event, by sending an email to [email protected] . Similar to the original reservation, neither modifications nor cancellations are valid until receiving our written (email) confirmation.

2.3 Modifications can concern to a number of persons attending, to chosen packages, or to time & date of the driving or shooting event.

2.4 Modifications within 72 hrs of the beginning , of the originally reserved program, can not be guaranteed, and we keep the right to not accept the modifications.

2.5 In case of cancellation or no appearance within 48 hrs of the beginning of the originally reserved program deposit can not be refunded, we keep it in all issues as a cancellation fee.

2.6 In case of delay over 15 minutes program will be deleted automatically and we keep the deposit as a cancellation fee in all issues.

2.7 We can ask for the reservation number or name in place.

2.8 reserves the right to modification of the availability of vehicles/weapons for maintenance or modification. Reserved times and vehicles/weapons in packages being unavailable can be canceled or suggest exchange after prior notification.

2.9 These terms are accepted automatically by reserving on phone or in place.

3. Prices and payment

3.1 The price of the experience’s driving or shooting or other can be found at the web site of, as per persons.

3.2 Booking through the website of or other OTA’s sites or on the spot is possible.

3.3 Our prices are fixed, per person and packages, including 27% Hungarian VAT and all costs regarding shooting, driving, etc. including but not limited to safety equipment (eye and ear protection), range, equipment, weapon rental, compulsory basic security training, ammunition, targets, continuous shooting supervision, gas, basic maintenance.

3.4 We guarantee that our prices will remain the same after our written confirmation, any hidden costs will not raise regarding the confirmed packages. Special requests on top of finalized reservations must be paid in place, their availability is depending on capacity, safety reasons and other factors.

4. Safety

4.1 Shooting/Tank Driving/Motorpaintball/ “experience’s” is at your own risk.

4.2 is not responsible for any injuries sustained at the Shooting / Driving / Paintball range.

4.3 All members of a group must accept the house rules, cooperate with employees and behave sound and responsible.

4.4 Employees of have the right to seek compensation on the spot for damage caused to equipment intentionally or improperly.

4.5 Persons being under the influence of alcohol or any kind of drugs or behaving inappropriately, may be excluded from the event.

4.6 Smoking is prohibited in the shooting range area.

5. Age limitations

5.1 People over 18 can participate in shooting experience

5.2 People under 18 can participate in all other programs only under adult supervision!

Legal Notice

Based upon legal requirements, all of our guests wishing to attend on any of shootings events must sign the register book containing important safety and legal statements. Guests like to participate in other programs must sign a Declaration of Liability letter before starting the program.